Real Racquel

I think knowing the real me is important. Lots of phonys in all industries and while I am not a phony I am honest about the parts of me that are color, nails and  boobs!

As for the porn industry.... I am not a swinger, but don't care if people swing. I have many friends in all facets of the world and all of us being different make the world go around. I am blessed to be perfectly content with my husband. My best friend, lover, business partner and all. He knows all my secrtets and loves me anyway.... as a relationship should be.

So..... I love my God, my husband, my 5 children (Thank God they are adults now!!!!), my grand daughter (yep I am a GILF!)  and my pets., then of course my friends and so on. I was put on this earth to love and it is an amazing place to be.

Do I struggle with my faith doing what I do for a living? Yep, you bet I do, but its where I am and I know enough about things to know I am loved unconditionally so I try to do the same.....not easy, but the right thing to do.

so lets talk about random things,

I love to read, I spend a couple hours sometimes more everyday reading. When we stop learning we stop growing. I want to learn something everyday. I love scary books, ghost stuff, murder mystery etc. I love scary movies too.  I want to write, have 8 books started to date, and entirely in my head, but can;t sit down and just work on them. Maybe it isn't time for them yet.

I love matching my purses to my shoes!  I know really random! But its something I started in high school, I used to crochet my handbags with heavy yarn to match outfits! 

I love music, dropped out of college Eastern MI university to be a rock star!
Went to LA, and my brother was into drugs and I was a health freak so I came home. I sing, write lyrics, and play a few brass instruments. Trumpet, French Horn and Baritone.

I grew up in the country which is why I love having no neighbors and lots of alone time. I was raised entertaining myself and might be why I can do the solo POV thing!

I love make up! I have no problem being seen without it, but I have played with makeup as long as I can remember. My older sister used to give me all her old stuff and I carried a purse and had it with me before I was allowed to use it. I suppose it is part iof my prissy feminine side.

Speaking of being prissy.... I am fine hunting and fishing with Tj, love all that stuff. While I have never killed an animal I am fine being there when they are gutted or cleaned and happy to eat them, as I believe they are a gift.

I love food and drink. I was recently diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and work hard to control my health with my diet I do loveeeeeeeeeeeeee all kinds of food and a good beer!
Fav Beer....Oktoberfest brews, Fav Wine Shiraz!

After 16 years of marriage I still melt when Tj walks  into a room. I love this crazy bald men to pieces!

More to come............

OK, more finally added .....

Things I like and don't like.

the best part about being close to 50 years old is my opinions have merit. I can also back my opinions up with education and IQ, so if your IQ is below 130 (our fucking piss poor excuse for a president that I didn't vote for has a lower IQ then I do. Bet he would like to know a porn girl can out think him!!) anyway I was saying if your IQis lower then mine do not dispute anything I say, don;t fuckinng embarrass yourself.

I like that I am confortable in my own skin, when I am thin or fat I like me!
I also know that while beauty is skin deep it is also a matter of opinion, so different people apeal to diff people and thats wonderful.

Things that bug me... and why Tj has me ( since I get asked all the time)

wussy guys! Really? Grab your fucking nut sack and be a man! While I do roleplay for sissys etc I would never tolerate someone like that in my life. I would laugh if my husband wanted me to use my strap on on him and I would not be happy if he could not defend or protect me in any situation. attention to your hands! Seriously! Manly hands with callouses are fine, but cut your fucking nails. Showinng any white on your nails make me sick, makes me think you will scratch me if you touch me.
Greas stained working hands are fine, but cut your nails palease!
(when I met Tj after I liked his looks I looked at his hands! fact!)

Always open a door for a lady whether she is with you or just at the door at the same time. Chivalry is not dead, and the only women who don't want you to treat them like ladies have a mustache as they do not get the gross fucker waxed,  and these big manly bitches can take credit for why our world is a mess with womens lib. Being a barbie is fun, let us be them!

Our upcoming election and our world.  I think people should have to pass a test to vote! Seriously, if you don;t understand the presidents job why are you voting for him?
Also whats up with the liberals wanting to change things? Hellllllo rocket scientists....the constitution allowed for your opinions! But you want to rain on the ones we have had in practice that work.

I know a lot of porn peeps want to vote liberally thinking it will protect their income, I... unlike most of them have been incourt over my website and THE CONSTITUTION PROTECTED ME! 
If you vote for the way your country is run because you are worried about a porn income I have a few thoughts for you...first of all ...FUCKING INVEST!
You really want your conuntry run based on whether you can make money on porn? I have heard for 13 years it is goinng away....not gone yet, but my point it, I still want a good strong conservative govt and country.

Now for you fuckers bitching about working on a holiday, oh yeah.... and you get bonus pay... OUR MILITARY WORKS 24/7  NO DAYS OFF NO HOLIDAYS NO SLEEPING IN ETC.
Get your head out of your fucking spoiled liberal asses. I think Target should fire you, but they are a fucking liberal ass company anyway, what more can they expect then pussies?
If they fired you whiney bitches, I , along with many others would be shopping with them this year.

Anyway, in a nutshell.... women like me like real men, cowboys, the kind of men that are few and far between! Men should be able to fix cars and kill meat, even if they don't do it,  they should know how.

Grandma always said ... "Be yourself, like me for who I am or hate me for who I am not, I won't lose sleep:!